
China urges Japan against sending wrong signals advocating 'Taiwan independence'

2024-01-14 16:47:32China Daily Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

China urges Japan to refrain from sending wrong signals to the forces advocating "Taiwan independence" and avoid creating disturbances in the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait. 

After the announcement of the election results in the Taiwan region on Saturday, Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa openly expressed congratulations to the Taiwan region's new "president-elect" Lai Ching-te.

"Such actions severely interfere with China's internal affairs, seriously violate the One-China principle, and go against the spirit of the four political documents between China and Japan," a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Japan said on Sunday.

"We strongly express our dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to this, and have officially lodged solemn representation with the Japanese side."

The spokesperson emphasized that Taiwan is part of China, and the elections in the Taiwan region are China's internal affairs.

The One-China principle is a fundamental norm in international relations and a widely recognized consensus in the international community. The Chinese side consistently opposes any form of official exchanges between countries that have diplomatic relations with China and its Taiwan region, the spokesperson said.

"We earnestly urge the Japanese side to deeply reflect on its history of aggression against Taiwan, faithfully abide by the commitments made on the Taiwan question, refrain from sending any wrong signals to the forces advocating 'Taiwan independence', and avoid creating disturbances in the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait and in Sino-Japanese relations," he said.


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