
Chinese FM meets Blinken

2024-04-26 13:15:35Global Times Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with visiting U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday in Beijing. Wang pointed out that although positive interactions in the bilateral relations have been increasing, negative factors in China-U.S. relations continue to build up as China's core interests are challenged.

Wang, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, also urged the U.S. side to not interfere in China's internal affairs, suppress China's development, or infringe upon China's sovereignty, security and development interests.

Last November, Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden met in San Francisco, jointly outlining the San Francisco Vision. Under the leadership of the two heads of state, China-U.S. relations have generally stabilized, Wang said.

Dialogue, cooperation, and positive interactions in various fields have increased, which has been welcomed by both peoples and the international community. However, on the other hand, negative factors in China-U.S. relations continue to rise and accumulate, facing various disruptions and sabotage, with China's legitimate rights to development being unreasonably suppressed and China's core interests continually challenged, the top Chinese diplomat said.

Wang emphasized that whether China-U.S. relations will adhere to the correct path of stability and progress or repeat the cycle of spiraling downward is a significant issue facing both nations, testing their sincerity and capabilities.

It remains to be seen whether both sides will lead in international cooperation to address global issues for mutual and multilateral gains, or oppose and confront each other, even to the point of conflict, leading to losses for all, he noted.

Wang also stressed that China's attitude has been consistent, viewing and developing China-U.S. relations from the perspective of building a community with a shared future for mankind, being responsible to the people, the world, and the future.

China's stance has been consistent, always adhering to the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation proposed by President Xi, committed to promoting a stable, healthy and sustainable development of China-U.S. relations, he continued.

China's demands have been consistent, always advocating for respect for each other's core interests. The U.S. should not interfere in China's internal affairs, suppress China's development, or infringe upon China's sovereignty, security, and development interests, Wang said.


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