
Claims of China supplying Russia 'groundless accusations' says Foreign Ministry

2024-05-17 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The claims by Washington that China has supplied weapon-making materials to Russia are "groundless accusations", said a Foreign Ministry spokesman on Thursday.

"We don't accept the blame-shifting of the United States," Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told a daily news briefing.

He said China has adopted a serious and prudent attitude in exporting military products, and it also strictly controls and regulates dual-use goods including the export of civilian drones.

Wang slammed the U.S. for leveling groundless accusations against normal trade and economic exchanges between China and Russia on the one hand, while on the other hand providing unprecedented military aid to Ukraine.

"This is a typical case of double standards, which is extremely hypocritical and irresponsible," Wang said.

On Wednesday, Washington announced $2 billion in additional military aid for Ukraine, which comes on top of $61 billion, in support approved by the U.S. Congress last month, to help Ukraine build up its defense industrial base.

The spokesman said China is not responsible for the U.S.' passive position in the Ukraine crisis. He went on to say that scapegoating China would not solve the problem but only instead complicate the issue, a situation that parties involved do not want to see.

He underscored that a political settlement is the only solution to the Ukraine crisis, while urging Washington to refrain from fanning flames.

China is committed to promoting talks for peace, and the nation rejects being the scapegoat or bearing the cost for others, he added, vowing that the country would firmly safeguard its legitimate rights and interests.


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