
Foreign Minister to attend SCO meeting ahead of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan visits

2024-05-17 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Foreign Minister Wang Yi will start a four-day trip on Saturday to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Foreign Ministers Council meeting and pay official visits to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin announced.

The meeting will be held in Astana from Monday to Tuesday.

During the meeting, Wang, the foreign minister, will discuss with other SCO foreign ministers international and regional situations, the future of the SCO's development and cooperation in various fields, and prepare for this year's SCO summit, the spokesman said.

China hopes to work with all the other SCO member countries to enhance their solidarity and collaboration to address challenges and share development opportunities, the spokesman told a regular news conference on Thursday.

Speaking of Wang's visits to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, the spokesman said the visits aim to carry forward the traditional friendship between China and Central Asian countries and strengthen political mutual trust.

Wang will meet with leaders of the two countries and hold talks with their foreign ministers to discuss bilateral ties and international and regional issues of shared concern, the spokesman said.

China believes the visits will deepen bilateral cooperation in various fields, promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and contribute to regional peace, stability and development, the spokesman also said.

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