
Former U.S. Congress member's assets frozen in China

2024-05-22 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

Mike Gallagher has seriously undermined China's interests and disrupted China's ties with the United States, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said, commenting on China's sanctions against the former member of the U.S. Congress.

China on Tuesday announced its countermeasures against Gallagher.

All Gallagher's assets in China will be frozen. Organizations and individuals in China are banned from making transactions or cooperating with him. He is also banned from entering China.

"In recent years, out of his own selfish interests and bias against China, Gallagher has seriously interfered in China's internal affairs, harming China's sovereignty and territorial integrity," Wang said on Wednesday, adding that his behavior has harmed not only China's interests but the shared interests of China and the U.S..

China is firmly determined to safeguard its national sovereignty, security and development interests, and will "impose serious punishment on any person or organization obstinately acting against China," Wang said.

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