
China will continue to work in tandem for global biodiversity conservation

2024-05-23 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

An aerial photo of Sanjiangyuan National Park in Northwest China's Qinghai province. (Photo provided to China Daily)

China will continue to work with the international community to maintain a fair and equitable global order for biodiversity conservation, strengthening solidarity and coordination in order to form a coordinated and efficient global architecture for biodiversity conservation, the Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.

China has become a champion and leader in global biodiversity governance with its practical actions, the ministry's spokesman Wang Wenbin told a daily news briefing as today marks International Day for Biological Diversity.

China is one of the founding parties to sign and ratify the Convention on Biological Diversity. Since 2019, it has been the largest contributor to the core budget of the Convention and its protocols, as well as the largest developing donor country for the Global Environment Facility.

Upholding the concept of building a community of life on Earth and the attitude of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, China is committed to working with other countries to make new advances in global biodiversity governance, Wang said.

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