
China, U.S. hold multiple consultations over maritime affairs

2024-05-28 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China and the United States have held the second round of consultations on maritime affairs via video link, during which Beijing called on Washington to effectively respect its territorial sovereignty and maritime interests.

The consultations were co-hosted on Friday by Hong Liang, director-general of the Foreign Ministry's Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs, and Mark Baxter Lambert, U.S. State Department China coordinator and deputy assistant secretary in the Bureau of East Asia and Pacific Affairs, according to a statement issued by the ministry on Tuesday.

The Chinese side expressed its serious concerns over the U.S.' provocative moves in waters near China that violate China's sovereignty, and urged the U.S. to refrain from interfering in maritime disputes between China and its neighboring countries.

The U.S. should not form cliques to contain China using maritime issues, and should not undermine regional peace and stability, it also said.

Emphasizing that the one-China principle is the political foundation for China-U.S. relations and an important base for bilateral maritime dialogue, the Chinese side said "Taiwan independence" is the greatest threat for peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

The U.S. should stop conniving at "Taiwan independence" forces immediately and deliver on its commitment of not supporting "Taiwan independence", it said.

The two sides agreed at the consultations to maintain dialogue to avoid misunderstanding and manage maritime risks, the statement said.


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