
China and Arab states condemn Israel's military offense in Gaza

2024-05-31 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China and Arab states have condemned Israel's continued military offensive in Gaza and called for a cease-fire in the area as soon as possible in a joint declaration over the Palestine issue on Friday.

There have been 125,000 civilian Palestinian casualties in Gaza, most of whom being women and children, China and Arab states said in the joint declaration, which was adopted after the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum held in Beijing on Thursday.

The Palestinian people in Gaza are subject to "fatal famines and blockades", said the declaration, which decries Israel's strikes on Rafah and a refugee camp there, as well as its seizing control of the border crossing.

Both China and Arab states said they oppose any plan, intention and behavior forcing Palestinian people to move from the land of their state.

They urged the United Nations Security Council to adopt resolutions that are more binding to achieve an immediate, comprehensive and lasting cease-fire; stop forced migration of Palestinian people; and guarantee the provision of rescue supplies to Gaza.

Calling for a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestine issue, both sides condemned the United States for vetoing Palestine's UN membership and said they welcome the recent recognition of the Palestine state by many countries.

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