
China reaffirms support to Cuba

2024-06-07 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Beijing strongly backs Cuba's commitment to truth and defiance of hegemonic power and appreciates its support to China's legitimate stance on international issues, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said.

Wang made the comment when he held talks with Special Envoy of Cuban President and Minister of Foreign Affairs Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla in Beijing on Thursday.

China firmly supports Cuba in defending its national sovereignty and opposing foreign interference, and it will continue to resolutely oppose the US' unreasonable blockade against Cuba, Wang said.

China is willing to work with Cuba to further implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state, and to contribute to advancing the cause of socialism in the world and safeguarding world peace, Wang added.

Rodriguez said Cuba sincerely appreciates China's strong support to Cuba's resisting the unreasonable blockade and interference of the US and to its overcoming temporary difficulties in economic operation.

Cuba will continue to be a true friend of China and will firmly honor the one-China principle, he added.

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