
China stands against parties slandering HK national security law

2024-06-15 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

On Friday, China expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to relevant parties' slandering the national security law for Hong Kong and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance and interfering in the special administrative region's rule of law.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian made the remarks at a regular news conference, after Hong Kong's secretary for security on Wednesday specified six absconders, and described the measures to be applied against them.

Countries, including the United States, and the European Union have expressed "concerns" over the move and the extraterritorial application of the national security law for Hong Kong, according to reports.

In response, Lin said the extraterritorial application of the law is fully in line with international law and the common practice of all countries and regions, and is beyond reproach.

The six individuals have long engaged in anti-China activities aimed at destabilizing Hong Kong, and the measures taken by the Hong Kong police are necessary, justified, legitimate and lawful, he said.

The six people's behavior has seriously jeopardized national security, undermined Hong Kong's fundamental interests and impacted one Country, two systems, a bottom line that must not be crossed, the spokesman said.

The national security law for Hong Kong and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance targets the few criminals who seriously endanger national security, and protect rights and freedoms Hong Kong residents enjoy according to law, Lin also said.

"Hong Kong affairs are purely China's internal affairs, which brook no interference by any external forces," Lin stressed, urging relevant parties to stop their interference and stop emboldening the anti-China rioters.


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