
G7 communiqué hypes up China-related issues

2024-06-18 08:39:27Global Times Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The G7 Leaders' Communiqué which once again hyped up issues related to China, slander and attack China, resorting to the same old false accusations that have no factual, legal or moral basis and are filled with arrogance, bias and falsehood, Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Monday in response to the G7 communiqué which laid accusations against China on issues related to the Taiwan question, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Xizang and the South China Sea and trumpeting up “Chinese overcapacity.”

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said during a press briefing on Monday that the G7 cannot represent the international community. The population in the seven countries only account for 10 percent of the world’s population. Their share of the global economy is declining year by year and their combined contribution to global economic growth is less than that of China. In terms of economic aggregate measured by purchase power parity, the G7 has already been surpassed by the BRICS.

The current G7 has long deviated from its original purpose of “coordinating and stabilizing the international economic environment” and has increasingly become a political tool for maintaining US and Western hegemony, Lin said.

“It puts its own rules and decisions above the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the international law, and has lost its ability to represent the world and credibility among the international community,” Lin said.

According to Lin, the G7 has gone against the overall trend of peaceful development. It claims to uphold world peace, yet insists on drawing lines based on ideology and values, and aggressively promotes the false narrative of “democracy vs. authoritarianism.”

By fostering bloc confrontations through forming exclusive groupings, fueling regional conflicts, shifting blame, sending warships and military aircraft to the Asia-Pacific to create tension, and arming Taiwan, has threatened peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits. These wrongdoings, which undermine international order and endanger peace and security, are increasingly being condemned and rejected by forces for good in the world, Lin noted.

Lin added that the G7 has strayed from the right path of cooperation and mutual benefit. In recent years, the US has repeatedly overstretched the concept of national security, abused export control measures, imposed in unilateral sanctions, and intensified its crackdown on Chinese companies. This has violated the principles of market economy and fair competition, undermining international economic and trade order, Lin said.

Besides, the G7’s overcapacity hype about China is unsupported by facts and the laws of economy, serves as an excuse for protectionism, and undermines the global efforts for promoting the green and low-carbon transition and cooperation in addressing climate change, Lin said.

“The G7 is the one truly responsible for “economic coercion” as it continues to politicize and weaponize trade, which is a reversal of our globalized world where countries’ interests are already deeply integrated. Such behavior will eventually backfire on the G7 itself,” Lin said.

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