
China and ROK officials exchange views over bilateral ties

2024-06-20 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Diplomatic and defense officials from China and the Republic of Korea had "candid and in-depth exchanges of views" over bilateral ties and issues of mutual interest during a recent dialogue, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

On Tuesday, in Seoul, Vice-Foreign Minister Sun Weidong and Deputy Director of the Office for International Military Cooperation of the Central Military Commission Zhang Baoqun co-chaired the first China-ROK 2+2 vice-ministerial level diplomatic and security dialogue with ROK Vice-Foreign Minister Kim Hong-kyun and Director General of International Policy Bureau of the ROK's Ministry of National Defense Lee Seung-buhm.

Sun and his Chinese colleagues also met with ROK Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul.

Both sides reiterated that they value and would like to grow their good neighborly relations and mutually-beneficial cooperation between the two countries, and agreed to actively carry out dialogue and exchanges at all levels and in various areas.

China stated its solemn position on issues bearing on its core interests and major concerns, such as the Taiwan question, and asked the ROK to handle these issues properly.

The ROK reiterated that it remains unchanged in its position of respecting the one-China principle.

The Chinese side said the two countries should jointly safeguard the stable and unimpeded global industrial and supply chains, reject turning economic issues into political or security issues, and oppose all forms of trade protectionism and moves to build walls and set up obstacles.

It also stressed the need to cool down the situation in the Korean Peninsula, avoid escalation of confrontation and rivalry, and keep to the major direction of political settlement.

The ROK side mentioned the engagement and cooperation between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Russia.

The Chinese side noted that the DPRK and Russia, as friendly and close neighbors, have the legitimate need for exchanges, cooperation and development of relations.

High-level engagement between the DPRK and Russia is the bilateral arrangement between two sovereign countries, it also said.

The dialogue between Chinese and ROK officials in Seoul on Tuesday was agreed quite early on by China and the ROK in light of the need of growing bilateral relations, and has no particular link to the engagement between other countries, the Chinese side said.

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