
China bears zero-tolerance toward doping and strictly abides by World Anti-Doping Code: Chinese FM

2024-06-20 08:23:48Global Times Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The Chinese government has a zero-tolerance attitude toward doping and strictly abides by the World Anti-Doping Code, Chinese Foreign Ministry said in response to an investigation reportedly to be carried out by the team to China sent by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) into 11 Chinese swimmers who will compete in the Paris Olympic Games in July and who have been named in a doping positive case. 

The remarks were made by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian during a regular press briefing on Wednesday. The WADA reportedly has said it will send a team to China to investigate the case after the US Anti-Doping Agency criticized the agency, accusing it of hiding this case. 

“Let me stress that the Chinese government has a zero-tolerance attitude toward doping and strictly abides by the World Anti-Doping Code,” Lin said, noting that China is committed to protecting the physical and mental wellness of Chinese athletes, ensuring fair competition in sports and contributing to the unified global anti-doping campaign.

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