
Global governance school set to boost country's role on world stage

2024-06-25 08:48:09China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Representatives from WTO Asia-Pacific member countries attend a training class at the Shanghai University of International Business and Economics in May. [Photo provided to China Daily)

The Shanghai University of International Business and Economics inaugurated the School of Global Governance, the first of its kind in Shanghai, on May 27, with the aim of training young talented Chinese to work in the global arena.

For the first time in the country, a school will provide undergraduate, graduate and PhD degrees in global governance to respond to the nation's rising need to provide talent for international organizations.

The main academic courses will combine politics, economics and law, with instruction given in English. All graduates will be required to be fluent in English and French, two of the official working languages of the United Nations.

Qi Ming, Party secretary of SUIBE, said the school is dedicated to cultivating professionals who are focused on international economic organizations, familiar with national guidelines and policies as well as international rules, and proficient in international negotiations. They must also understand China's national conditions, while having a global perspective.

The world's economic and trade pattern is currently undergoing deep adjustments, experts said. As China increasingly moves toward the center of the world, it has an obligation to further participate in global governance.

"Such a situation raises an urgent need for the country to prepare a large number of talented people who have international vision, are familiar with international rules, and are capable of participating in international affairs and negotiations," said Yi Xiaozhun, former deputy director-general of the World Trade Organization.

At present, there is a considerable gap between the scale of Chinese staff at international organizations, their rank and influence, and China's international standing, said Yi, who worked at the WTO for eight years.

"In order to enhance China's voice in the international economic and trade arena, we must participate in more international economic and trade negotiations and have talent familiar with international rules and proficient in Sino-foreign negotiations and communication," said Hong Xiaodong, former director of the Department of WTO Affairs under the Ministry of Commerce.

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