
Xi: Address problems hampering development

2024-07-20 09:26:03China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has called for taking a problem-oriented approach in further deepening reform to address the problems that constrain the country's high-quality development and to remove the institutional barriers in advancing Chinese modernization.

Xi made the remarks while chairing a symposium on May 20 to solicit opinions and suggestions from non-CPC personages on the drafting of the CPC resolution on further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization, according to a press statement released on Friday.

The symposium was held as the CPC was preparing for the third plenary session of its 20th Central Committee, a key reform-themed meeting that concluded on Thursday.

After listening to the remarks of representatives of the non-CPC personages, Xi said that to further deepen reform in all respects, a problem-oriented approach must be taken to enhance the effectiveness and pertinence of the policies.

Efforts should be made to focus on issues that matter to the country's development and people's concerns, strive to solve problems that hinder high-quality growth, and tackle major issues that affect social equity and justice and pose challenges to people's livelihoods, prominent issues in Party building, and risks in various fields, he said.

Xi underlined the need to make reform measures comprehensive in order to fully handle the prominent problems that need to be resolved in advancing Chinese modernization, and in the meantime, to make consistent efforts in deepening reforms with a particular emphasis on economic systems to eliminate deep-rooted institutional barriers and structural contradictions.

Xi pointed out that enhancing consensus-building is crucial for further comprehensively deepening reform.

He emphasized the importance of upholding democracy and seeking extensive opinions and suggestions in ensuring scientific decision-making and the effective implementation of reform measures.


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