
CPC sends condolences on demise of Vietnam leader

2024-07-20 09:26:03China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The Communist Party of China Central Committee sent condolences on Friday over the death of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong, saying that the CPC and the Chinese people have lost a good comrade, a good brother, and a good friend.

Trong passed away at Central Military Hospital 108 in Hanoi on Friday afternoon at the age of 80 due to old age and severe illness, according to the Vietnam News Agency.

In the message of condolences sent to the CPV Central Committee, the CPC Central Committee called Trong a steadfast Marxist, and a great leader of the CPV and the Vietnamese people.

Describing Trong as a close comrade and sincere friend of the CPC and the Chinese people, the message said that together with Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Trong elevated the China-Vietnam relationship to a community with a shared future that carries strategic significance, vigorously advancing the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries.

The CPC, the Chinese government and the Chinese people will remember him forever, the message added.

Noting that China and Vietnam are socialist neighbors connected by mountains and rivers, the message said that the nation has always regarded Vietnam as a priority in its neighborhood diplomacy.

China is willing to work together with Vietnam to continually strengthen political mutual trust, enhance unity and cooperation, and advance the building of the China-Vietnam community with a shared future to benefit the peoples of both countries and contribute to regional and global peace and development, the message said.


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