
Importance of unity underlined for Gaza ceasefire

2024-07-24 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China has underlined the importance of achieving unity and reconciliation among Palestinian factions to create necessary conditions for promoting an enduring ceasefire in Gaza and realizing the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the remarks on Tuesday when meeting with Mahmoud al-Aloul, deputy chief of Fatah and head of the Fatah delegation.

The meeting took place ahead of the signing of the Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity by 14 Palestinian factions that held reconciliation talks in Beijing from Saturday to Tuesday.

Wang reaffirmed China's firm support to the just cause of the Palestinian people regardless of changes of the international situation and reiterated that settlement of the Palestinian issue must adhere to the principle of "Palestinian-owned, Palestinian-led and Palestinian-governed".

As the Gaza conflict has caused a huge humanitarian disaster, Wang said the immediate priority should be given to take the fundamental interests of all Palestinian people into consideration, seize opportunities and seek common ground while reserving differences to promote unity and reconciliation.

He called for forming a more unified position and goal to create necessary conditions for implementing the two-state solution.

Calling China a true friend and brother to the Palestinian people, Al-Aloul expressed heartfelt thanks to China for its efforts in promoting internal reconciliation among Palestinian factions and the country's consistent and steadfast assistance over the decades.

Fatah will make every effort to promote reconciliation and unity among Palestinian factions, contributing to a comprehensive resolution of the Palestinian issue, he said.

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