
China voices opposition to Japan, U.S. interference, smears

2024-07-31 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian. (Photo/

Beijing expressed its opposition on Tuesday to the interference from Tokyo and Washington in China's internal affairs as well as their smearing of China, urging Tokyo to stop courting external countries to sow division and confrontation in the region.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian made the remarks after Japan and the United States issued a joint statement that criticized China's foreign policy after the "2+2" talks between the defense and foreign ministers from the two countries in Tokyo on Sunday.

In disregard of Beijing's concerns, Japan and the U.S. have grossly interfered in China's internal affairs on the Taiwan question and issues related to Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Xizang, and slandered China on maritime issues, Lin said.

Under the Cold War mentality, the two countries have been inciting block confrontation, damaging regional peace and stability and harming other countries' security interests, he said.

China firmly opposes this and has lodged serious protests with the Japanese side through diplomatic channels, Lin said, urging Japan to view China in an objective and rational manner.

He also urged Tokyo to stop political manipulation on China's domestic affairs or making provocations on maritime issues, follow a path of peaceful development and earn the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community through concrete actions.

In addition to the "2+2" talks, the first ministerial meeting on extended deterrence between the two countries was also held on Sunday.

Calling "extended deterrence" a Cold War legacy, Lin said that strengthening U.S.-Japan collaboration on nuclear deterrence would stimulate regional tensions and heightened risks for nuclear proliferation and conflict.

While characterizing itself as a victim of nuclear explosion and an advocate of a nuclear-weapon-free world, Japan has been sitting comfortably under the U.S. nuclear umbrella, pursuing extended deterrence and seeking nuclear deterrence, he said.

"Japan owes the world an explanation for saying one thing and doing another," Lin said.

China calls on the U.S. and Japan to take concrete actions to uphold strategic stability and regional peace and security, he said, adding that he urges Japan to refrain from seeking nuclear weapons in any form.

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