
Bodies of two fishermen returned to mainland

2024-07-31 10:32:20China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The family members of two fishermen from the Chinese mainland involved in a fatal boat incident near Jinmen, an island administered by Taiwan, brought their bodies back on Tuesday, concluding months of negotiations between the two sides.

Accompanied by representatives from the Red Cross Society of China branch in Jinjiang, Fujian province, the family members engaged in discussions with Taiwan authorities to address issues related to the incident.

On Feb 14, a fishing boat from Fujian was reportedly mistreated by Taiwan authorities in the waters near the Jinmen area, causing all four fishermen on board to fall into the sea. Two of the fishermen died, while the other two were rescued and later returned to the mainland.

The incident stirred outrage on the mainland, with many criticizing the Taiwan authorities for alleged excessive force and a lack of thorough investigation into the matter.

The bodies of the two mainland fishermen, along with the detained fishing boat, were returned to the mainland on Tuesday after an agreement was reached.

On Tuesday morning, about 100 people, including family members of the deceased fishermen and representatives from both sides, gathered at the Jinmen funeral management office for a joint memorial service. The ceremony included offerings of incense, flowers, fruits, and bows of respect to honor the deceased.

At the memorial site, Chang Chung-lung, head of the Taiwan Coast Guard Administration, extended his apologies to the families, acknowledging their suffering and expressing condolences.

Subsequently, representatives from the Taiwan Coast Guard Administration, Jinjiang Red Cross Society, Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council and Straits Exchange Foundation and the Jinmen county government paid their respects and offered condolences to the families.

Li Zhaohui, a senior consultant from the Jinjiang Red Cross Society, said that the two deceased fishermen could finally return to their hometown, while their families received the belated apologies they had been waiting for.

He urged the Taiwan authorities to earnestly implement the terms of the agreement and promptly disclose the truth of the incident, conduct a fair investigation, and take appropriate actions against those involved.

"The two sides are from one family," he said, highlighting the close relationship between Jinjiang and Jinmen.


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