
Li calls for all-out flood relief efforts

2024-08-02 08:20:14China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A resident of Zixing, Hunan province, cleans his furniture on Thursday after downpours flooded many parts of the city since July 26, leaving 30 people dead and 35 others missing. (YANG HUAFENG/CHINA NEWS SERVICE)

Premier Li Qiang called on Thursday for all-out efforts in flood control and disaster relief, in order to protect people's lives and property as China faces the most critical stage of this year's flood season.

Li made the remarks when visiting people affected by flooding and inspected flood prevention efforts in Chenzhou, Hunan province. The province in Central China has recently experienced several rounds of torrential rainfall, which has led to severe flooding and geological disasters in some areas.

As of noon on Thursday, 30 people had died and 35 were still missing in Zixing, a city under the jurisdiction of Chenzhou, since extreme weather conditions related to Typhoon Gaemi hit the area starting on July 26.

After hearing about the situation in one village in Zixing, Li urged all-out search and rescue efforts, saying that no stone should be left unturned. He also called for restoring critical infrastructure such as roads and power supply and closely guarding against secondary disasters.

While visiting a relocation center, he asked disaster-affected residents about their living conditions and encouraged them to work together to rebuild their homes. All parties should concentrate resources and efforts to help the disaster-stricken areas restore normal production and daily life as soon as possible, Li said.

The premier then held an on-site meeting to hear briefings by officials from local authorities and central government departments.

Li said flood prevention and control efforts are at a critical stage, because the flood crest is still ahead and there are risks of embankment breaches and waterlogging.

Authorities must coordinate their efforts in prevention and rescue work, maximize efforts to reduce disaster risks, and minimize disaster-related losses, he said.

The safety of people's lives should always be the top priority, with enhanced monitoring, early warnings and coordinated emergency responses, including the prompt evacuation of residents from high-risk areas, he said.

The premier said efforts must be strengthened in patrolling, addressing risks, conducting rescue operations and scientifically managing flood control projects.

According to the Ministry of Finance, as of Wednesday, China has allocated 11.5 billion yuan ($1.59 billion) so far this year to assist in disaster relief.

The Zixing headquarters for flood and drought prevention announced that communication and road access were resumed on Thursday in the eight most severely affected townships, search and rescue efforts continued, and authorities would not give up hope of finding missing people.

Heavy rainfall has affected 1.15 million people in Hunan since July 26, forcing the evacuation of 95,000 people, local authorities said on Wednesday.

Zhou Sha, who works for the Changsha-based China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp, said that zigzagging mountain roads have hampered rescue efforts.

The State-owned enterprise has sent more than 30 people as of Wednesday to repair more than 40 sections of road affected by mudslides, and to clear the roads leading to four villages, Zhou said.

"All the people are eager to contribute our expertise in search and rescue efforts, and it is our duty to make the most efforts in times of need," she added.


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