
Philippines accused of deliberate provocation after air-space incursions

2024-08-14 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Ren'ai Reef. (File photo/China Daily)

Beijing urged Manila on Tuesday to immediately stop infringement activities and provocations at China's Huangyan Island, after Philippine military aircraft twice intruded into the island's adjacent airspace.

"Such wanton acts must stop," Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said in remarks released on the ministry's official website.

Noting that China has indisputable sovereignty over Huangyan Island and its adjacent airspace and waters, Lin said the intrusions which happened on Aug 7 and 8, gravely infringed upon China's sovereignty and violated international law and the basic norms governing international relations.

"The Chinese military took necessary and lawful measures in response, and their maneuvers at the scene were professional and consistent with Chinese laws and international law," he said.

According to the spokesman, the Philippines sent military aircraft into Huangyan Island's airspace during joint patrols with the United States, Australia, and Canada in the South China Sea, which the spokesman said was clearly "a deliberate provocation".

"China will continue to act resolutely in accordance with the law to firmly safeguard our nation's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests," Lin said.

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