
Moscow talks highlight China-Russia bilateral benefits

2024-08-22 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Premier Li Qiang met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Wednesday, saying that the steady development of bilateral ties not only meets the fundamental interests of both sides, but also contributes to regional and world peace, stability and prosperity.

The meeting came after Li co-chaired the 29th regular meeting between Chinese and Russian heads of government with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin earlier the same day.

Li told Putin that Beijing is ready to work with Moscow to implement the consensus reached by the heads of state and expand the multi-faceted mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries.

Noting that the new round of scientific and industrial revolutions is harboring tremendous opportunities for development, Li said China will pay more attention to the use of scientific and industrial innovation to drive cooperation with Russia in emerging areas and foster new engines for economic growth.

He called on the two sides to keep deepening exchanges and cooperation in culture and tourism, education, youth and at local levels, facilitate mutual understanding between the two peoples, and carry forward the China-Russia friendship from generation to generation.

At a time when the world is going through rapid changes unseen in a century, the premier said China will work with Russia to further strengthen multilateral coordination and keep consolidating mutual trust and cooperation with developing countries.

China will join hands with Russia to firmly promote world multipolarity and economic globalization, better safeguard their respective legitimate rights and interests, and defend basic norms governing international relations, Li added.

Noting that 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, Putin said this year is a significant milestone for bilateral ties.

The regular meeting of the heads of government, which has in-depth discussion on China-Russia cooperation and signed a series of documents, has further consolidated the common understandings previously reached between the two heads of state, he said.

Putin said that Russia will work with China to further strengthen cooperation that benefits both sides, expand people-to-people exchanges and carry out close collaboration within multilateral mechanisms such as the BRICS, so as to push for greater development of bilateral ties.

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