
China calls for respecting sovereignty, territorial integrity of Serbia

2024-09-16 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China reiterated on Monday its position on the Kosovo issue, saying that Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity should be respected.

It's reported the police of the temporary institutions in Pristina forcibly raided and controlled institutions of ethnic Serbs in northern Kosovo. The Kosovo police arrested four Serbs and confiscated Serbian currency in the National Bank of Serbia located in northern Kosovo.

"On the Kosovo issue, China respects Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and believes that the security and lawful rights and interests of ethnic Serbs in the Kosovo region should be upheld," Foreign Ministry spokesperson said in a statement.

As unilateral moves do not help address the issue and disrupt regional security and stability, the spokesperson called on relevant parties to continue practical and constructive dialogue, and actively look for a lasting solution to the Kosovo issue.


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