
Taiwan leader's speech criticized as provocative

2024-10-16 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A Chinese mainland spokesman on Tuesday condemned a recent speech by Taiwan leader Lai Ching-te, calling it more radical and confrontational, accusing Lai of deliberately escalating tensions across the Taiwan Strait and undermining regional peace and stability.

Some commentators in Taiwan and the West viewed Lai's speech on Oct 10th as lowering the tone on cross-Strait relations, even signaling goodwill toward the mainland. However, others argued that the speech was deceptive and destructive.

Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, rejected the notion that Lai showed moderation, instead labeling the speech a harmful "Taiwan independence manifesto."

"He escalated provocations against the one-China principle, further entrenching the 'two-state fallacy,'" Chen said.

"There is no 'moderation' or 'goodwill' in his speech at all," Chen added, describing Lai as a "Taiwan independence worker" and a "peace disruptor."

Chen emphasized that the ongoing struggle against separatism in Taiwan is fundamentally about safeguarding national unity. He defended Beijing's recent countermeasures as just actions by a sovereign state aimed at protecting its territorial integrity and ensuring peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

"These measures are necessary to defend national sovereignty and the well-being of our Taiwan compatriots," he said.

Chen also warned that further provocations by "Taiwan independence" forces would be met with stronger punitive actions until full national reunification is achieved.

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