
China urges Canada to revoke unlawful unilateral sanctions against Chinese officials

2024-12-11 13:33:19Global Times Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Canada has smeared and slandered China under the pretext of so-called human rights by imposing illegal sanctions on certain Chinese individuals. China firmly opposes and strongly condemns this action, which seriously violates international law and fundamental norms of international relations. It constitutes a grave interference in China's internal affairs and is extremely malicious in nature, the spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Canada said in a statement on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, Mélanie Joly, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced sanctions against eight former or current Chinese senior officials citing alleged human rights violations in China, including in Xinjiang and Xizang regions and against those who practice Falun Gong.

The spokesperson said in the statement that China has always placed a high priority on respecting and safeguarding human rights, walking a path of human rights development that aligns with the trends of the times and suits its national conditions. The historic achievements in China's human rights endeavors are evident to all.

Currently, the Xinjiang and Xizang regions are experiencing robust economic development, social harmony and stability, and the preservation and promotion of cultural traditions. The rights and freedoms of all ethnic groups, including freedom of religious belief and the freedom to use and develop their own languages and scripts, are fully protected, said the spokesperson.

Since last year, thousands of foreign government officials, diplomats, religious figures, media representatives, and scholars have visited Xinjiang and Xizang regions. They have highly praised the regions' achievements in economic and social development and commended the Chinese government's significant efforts in preserving local multi-ethnic cultures and safeguarding religious freedom.

In recent years, nearly 100 countries have consistently supported China's just position on issues related to its Xinjiang and Xizang regions through joint statements, individual statements, and other forms at the UN Human Rights Council, clearly speaking to what the international community truly aspire for.

Faced with these facts and justice, claims of "forced labor" and "arbitrary detention" used to smear China are entirely baseless and self-defeating. Falun Gong is a cult that is anti-humanity, anti-society, and anti-science, was lawfully banned by the Chinese government long ago, said the spokesperson.

The spokesperson noted that Canada is in no position to act as a lecturer in human rights or to criticize other countries' human rights situations. Canada itself faces numerous human rights problems. Indigenous peoples continue to suffer systemic racial discrimination and unjust treatment, the homeless lack protection, drug abuse is rampant, and the Black civil servants face long-standing racial discrimination.

China urges Canada to reflect on itself, genuinely improve its own human rights situation, immediately stop using human rights issues to interfere in China's internal affairs, and revoke its unlawful unilateral sanctions against Chinese individuals. China will take resolute measures to safeguard its sovereignty, security, and development interests, said the spokesperson.


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