Chinese researchers have found that a multi-targeted drug showed efficacy in patients with locally advanced thyroid cancer.
Researchers from Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center conducted a clinical study showing that anlotinib, the multitarget drug, demonstrated antitumor activity in the neoadjuvant treatment of locally advanced thyroid cancer, enabling the patients to receive radical resection.
Surgery is the primary treatment for locally advanced thyroid cancer. Some patients, however, cannot undergo radical resection surgery, which may lead to low cure and survival rates, according to Wang Yu, leader of the research team and a professor at the university.
The study investigated the efficacy and safety of anlotinib for 2 to 6 cycles in patients with locally advanced thyroid cancer in the neoadjuvant setting. A total of 13 patients were enrolled and received an average of 3.5 cycles of anlotinib treatment, according to the research article published in the journal Thyroid.
The results showed that anlotinib demonstrated antitumor activity in the neoadjuvant treatment with nine patients achieving expected treatment results and receiving radical resection successfully.
"These results suggest that anlotinib neoadjuvant treatment represents a new option for locally advanced thyroid cancer," said Wang.