
Security personnel busts theft gangs in Afghanistan's Kabul

2021-11-01 15:12:06Xinhua Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

The intelligence personnel of Afghanistan's Taliban government had busted two armed theft groups in the country's capital of Kabul, the General Directorate for Intelligence said Monday.

"Personnel of General Directorate for Intelligence (GDI) had arrested two theft groups in Paktia Kot area, Police District 9 of Kabul. The groups were involved in armed robbery incidents and used force to loot vehicles and valuable items from local residents' houses," the agency said in a statement.

The security personnel also confiscated five handguns and two vehicles from the four suspected men, according to the statement.

No weapon was fired when security forces made the arrests, the statement said, adding the operation were part of preventive measures being adopted to ensure a high level of security and safety in the city.

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