
China's rail network sees surge in demand

2024-05-18 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China's railway passenger volume has seen a remarkable increase in the first four month of this year, facilitating people movement and boosting the country's social and economic development, the national railway operator China State Railway Group said on Saturday.

From January to April, 1.37 billion trips were made on the national network, a year-on-year increase of 22.9 percent, the company said.

The network provides various types of services, including regular speed and high-speed trains, and cross-border trains, as well as tourism trains.

The average daily operation of passenger trains from January to April was 10,483, a 13.8 percent year-on-year increase.

As the network has expanded, railway has become a popular choice for travel. The service provider has enhanced transport capacity and improved service quality to meet passengers' needs.


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