
Heavy rain strikes Guangxi

2024-05-19 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

Roads are suffering severe waterlogging as heavy rain hit Nanning, capital city of South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region since Saturday. (Photo provided to

Over 30 passenger trains have suspended operation from Saturday to Monday morning due to the heavy rain in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, announced Nanning Railway Bureau on Saturday.

From Saturday to the Sunday morning, Guangxi's northern, central and coastal regions experienced heavy rain, with some areas seeing intense downpours.

Cities of Qinzhou, Fangchenggang and Nanning faced exceptionally heavy rainfall, with Longmengang town of Qinzhou recording a 24-hour rainfall accumulation of 610.5 millimeters, making a record high for the city.

At 3 am on Sunday, the town witnessed a one-hour downpour of 189.6 millimeters, setting a new record for hourly rainfall in the region.

As of 3 am, the rainfall in Nanning approached nearly 200 millimeters, triggering a Level One response to prevent urban waterlogging. Currently, the city's emergency response teams have deployed a total of 625 personnel for flood prevention and control, along with 105 vehicles and 80 sets of pumping equipment. All drainage pumping stations in the city have been put into operation.

Rescue personnel evacuating citizens trapped in the rain on Sunday in Nanning, capital city of South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region since Saturday. [Photo provided to]



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