
Beijing capital airport sees big jump in international trips

2024-05-21 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Passengers are seen at Beijing Capital International Airport on April 30, 2024. (Photo by Luo Wangshu/

The Beijing Capital International Airport has seen a remarkable growth in international passenger trips this year, handling more than 5 million such trips, three times compared to the same period last year, the airport said.

As of Sunday, the total passenger throughput at the Beijing Capital International Airport has reached 25.05 million, with an average daily passenger volume of 179,000. Among these figures, domestic passenger throughput stands at 19.92 million, averaging 142,000 passenger trips per day.

The international and regional passenger throughput has exceeded 1 million passenger trips for four consecutive months, reaching over 5 million passenger trips as of May 16, with a daily average of 37,000 trips.

The growth in international and regional passenger trips has soared over 300 percent compared to the same period last year. Last month, the airport handled 1.19 million overseas passenger trips, with a daily average of nearly 40,000 passenger trips.

The airport links a total of 82 international and regional destinations, connecting 49 countries with more than 30 intercontinental routes.

Due to the recent preferential visa polices for travelers visiting China, the influx of foreign arrivals at the airport has notably increased, such as passengers from Spain, Belgium, and Hungary.

According to the Civil Aviation Administration of China, the number of international passenger trips has also seen orderly recovery this year. Last month, the number of international passenger trips was nearly 5.1 million, about 83.8 percent of the same period in 2019. It was the third month that the monthly number of international passenger trips reaching more than 80 percent of the level in 2019, according to the administration.


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