
Gao Ruqin, Nanjing Massacre survivor, passes away at 90

2024-05-24 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Following the death of Nanjing Massacre survivor Gao Ruqin on Thursday, only 34 registered survivors of the Nanjing Massacre are still alive, according to the Aid Association of Victims in Nanjing during the War of Aggression against China by Japanese Invaders.

Born in January 1934, Gao and her family relocated to her grandmother's residence at No 39 Tangfanglang when the Japanese forces invaded Nanjing in 1937.

Gao's father, a craftsman who specialized in weaving satin, was the sole provider for the family, which meant they often faced financial hardships. During the Nanjing Massacre, her grandmother and mother guided her as they fled along Zhonghua Gate and the Qinhuai River, evading the pursuing Japanese troops.

Recalling the tragic events, Gao shared, "The first shot struck my mother's leg, causing a severe injury. The second shot hit my grandmother's chest, leading to her immediate collapse... Afterward, my father took us to a refugee camp, where we relied on meager rations of porridge for survival."

"My grandmother always cherished me, and witnessing her passing and hearing her final cry still deeply affects me to this day," the 90-year-old recalled. During her life, she conveyed her heartfelt desire for global peace, free from external threats, and for all individuals to live in harmony and security.


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