
Experts call for unity against terrorism

2024-05-30 11:22:49China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Facing pressing global security challenges, international experts called on Wednesday for more efforts and cooperation among countries to fight terrorism, the common enemy of humankind.

The fifth international symposium on counterterrorism, deradicalization and promotion and protection of human rights, held in Chongqing and organized by Southwest University of Political Science and Law, attracted about 70 representatives from home and abroad.

Foreign attendees from countries including Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Japan, the Philippines, Switzerland, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates were joined by scholars from several Chinese universities, including Xinjiang University, Lanzhou University, Jinan University, and Northwest University of Political Science and Law.

They held in-depth discussions and exchanges on counterterrorism and deradicalization, legal system construction, national security, human rights protection and women's development rights. Foreign experts also spoke about their countries' experiences in counterterrorism and deradicalization work.

Lin Wei, president of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, and dean of its Human Rights Institute, said at the symposium that the international community should uphold a global security concept that is common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable, and make more effective efforts with greater determination, courage and sincerity.

"We should enhance international consensus and oppose selective counterterrorism, strengthen the sense of community and reinforce multilateralism in counterterrorism and adhere to systematic thinking, promoting counterterrorism and human rights protection in a coordinated manner," he said.

Recently, two terrorist attacks shocked the world. On March 22, an attack on concertgoers in Moscow killed at least 137 people and injured over 100. Then, on March 26, a suicide bomber riding on an explosive-laden vehicle attacked a convoy of Chinese nationals heading toward a hydropower project, killing five Chinese and their Pakistani driver in Pakistan.

"Freedom from the threat of terrorism is an inherent right and a fundamental prerequisite for fully enjoying human rights," Nugman Nugmanov, vice-president of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in Uzbekistan, said at the symposium.

"Security is the most basic need of humanity, and the negative impact of terrorism on human rights is both comprehensive and systemic."

He called on the international community to jointly respond to China's proposed Global Security Initiative, strengthen international cooperation, collectively safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations, and protect the personal and property safety of every citizen.

President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Security Initiative two years ago, calling on countries to adapt to the profoundly changing international landscape in the spirit of solidarity, and address complex and intertwined security challenges with a win-win mindset.

Mehmood Ul Hassan, executive director of the Center for South Asia and International Studies Islamabad, spoke highly of China's mode of counterterrorism and deradicalization.

He said China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region "has become an ideal example and case study, fighting against terrorism through having people-centric policies, through the promotion of social economic prosperity, through the promotion of ethnic diversity, and maintaining multiculturalism".

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