
'Quiet carriage' service expanded to 92 bullet trains

2024-06-06 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

To cater to passengers' needs and improve travel experience, 20 more bullet trains will offer "quiet carriage" service from June 20, expanding the service to 92 bullet trains, the national railway operator China State Railway Group said on Thursday.

Passengers who select the "quiet carriage" are expected to abide by the agreement to keep quiet. This entails maintaining silence within the carriage, using headphones while using electronic devices or turning off sound, setting phones to silent or vibrate mode, supervising accompanying children, and avoiding noise disturbance. Passengers are discouraged to raise their voice to talk to each other or make phone calls in the carriage.

The railway sector initiated the "quiet carriage" service pilot on the Beijing-Shanghai and Chengdu-Chongqing high-speed rail routes in December 2020. This service gradually expanded to include the Beijing-Guangzhou, Zhengzhou-Chongqing, Beijing-Harbin, Shanghai-Kunming, and Xi'an-Chengdu high-speed railways, receiving high praise from many passengers.

In order to enhance the quality of high-speed rail operations and optimize the passenger travel experience, 20 additional Fuxing bullet trains will soon offer this service on high-speed rail lines such as Beijing-Guangzhou, Shanghai-Kunming, and Guiyang-Nanning. This includes four high-speed rail trains operating between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong.

China's railway sector has been improving service quality, such as setting up quiet carriages on some bullet trains and providing more online meal ordering options.

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