
Young U.S. representatives begin youth exchange program in Chongqing

2024-06-09 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

A total of 23 young representatives, including college students, professors and engineers from Fortune 500 companies across the United States, kicked off a five-day visit on the "Bridge of the Future" China-U.S. Youth Exchange Program Flagship event in Southwest China's Chongqing municipality on Friday.

The "Bridge of the Future" program plans to invite American youths from various sectors and regions to visit China each year to facilitate exchanges and inspections between both countries on topics of mutual concern. The program is part of an initiative proposed last November that would invite 50,000 U.S. youths to China over the next five years for exchanges and study.

The organizers have arranged a variety of engaging visits and activities. For example, on Friday afternoon, the group visited SERES Auto Super Factory in the city's Liangjiang New Area to learn about the application of new-generation information technologies such as the Internet of Things, 5G, industrial big data, and artificial intelligence.

During their stay in Chongqing, which coincides with the Dragon Boat Festival, the youths will experience a wide variety of local intangible cultural heritages in the city's Ciqikou Ancient Town and Songji Ancient Town.

To boost the China-U.S. people-to-people friendship, they will also visit the Chongqing Stilwell Museum, the late U.S. Army General Joseph Stilwell's former residence in the city.

On June 11, the last day of the Chongqing visit, a communication camp meeting themed on "Youth Shaping the Future with Smart Technologies" will be held in Chongqing's Yongchuan district.

On Friday afternoon, 23 young representatives from various sectors across the United States, kicked off a five-day visit on the "Bridge of the Future" China-U.S. Youth Exchange Program Flagship event by visiting the SERES Auto Super Factory in Southwest China's Chongqing. (Photo by Deng Rui/For

On Friday afternoon, 23 young representatives from various sectors across the United States, kicked off a five-day visit on the "Bridge of the Future" China-U.S. Youth Exchange Program Flagship event by visiting the SERES Auto Super Factory in Southwest China's Chongqing. (Photo by Deng Rui/For

On Friday afternoon, 23 young representatives from various sectors across the United States, kicked off a five-day visit on the "Bridge of the Future" China-U.S. Youth Exchange Program Flagship event by visiting the SERES Auto Super Factory in Southwest China's Chongqing. (Photo by Deng Rui/For



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