
Severe drought, heat wave grip agricultural heartland(3)

2024-06-18 07:41:19China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Technicians from the State Grid Yinchuan Power Supply Company work in the heat in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, on Friday. (YUAN HONGYAN/FOR CHINA DAILY)

Digging deep

Sun Longgang, who cultivates 5,000 mu (333 hectares) of farmland in Yuncheng, Shanxi province, has expensive machinery and a trickle irrigation system to deal with drought conditions.

"When the surface soil is too dry, I turn to deep plowing so more moist soil can help the corn seeds sprout," said Sun, who added that getting water from a nearby river for trickle irrigation was not a difficult task for him.

However, farmers like Guo in Liuda village in Anhui, do not have access to resources such as rivers and have to rely on underground water from wells.

Every time a severe drought hits, the irrigation infrastructure in Liuda is improved, the villagers said.

"The village has 97 motor-pumped wells, with the first ones dug more than 20 years ago," said Liu the village Party chief, adding that all the wells are in good working order.

Recently, the local government connected electricity to all the wells and installed power meters. Village cadres taught people how to use the equipment.

"The only expense is the electricity, I spend about 40 yuan ($5.50) for a round of irrigation of my corn," said Guo.

"You can hope for rain, but can't do nothing and simply wait for it," he said, adding that timing is critical for a good harvest.

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