
China unveils free information system to aid college application woes

2024-06-18 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China's Ministry of Education has launched a free information service system to assist students navigating the crucial National College Entrance Examination (gaokao) application process. Announced on Monday, the system aims to provide a reliable and comprehensive resource for millions of students as they choose their academic paths.

Accessible through the "Sunshine Gaokao" platform on the Smart Education of China website, the system integrates extensive data on university admissions and employment prospects. Students can utilize this data for services like university recommendations, in-depth information on specific majors, and career outlook inquiries.

The platform extends beyond data analysis, offering career assessment tools developed with the help of psychology experts. These tools can help students gain valuable insights into their professional preferences and aptitudes. Additionally, the system personalizes university recommendations based on admission data and individual gaokao scores.

The launch comes amidst a surge in college application activity following the conclusion of gaokao earlier this month. Traditionally, students and families invest significant time researching and analyzing universities to maximize their chances of admission.

This has also fueled the growth of a vast college application advisory market filled with professionals and institutions. However, concerns have been raised about the quality of services provided by some institutions with limited educational expertise. These concerns include potentially unprofessional advice and misguided recommendations for students during this crucial decision-making period.

By offering a free, centralized, and data-driven information system, the Ministry of Education aims to empower students and families with reliable information and resources to navigate the gaokao application process with greater confidence.

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