
Suzhou woman who intervened to save Japanese dies

2024-06-28 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Hu Youping, the Chinese woman who courageously intervened to prevent a criminal from harming a Japanese mother and child, has passed away despite rescue efforts, according to an announcement released by the Suzhou Public Security Bureau in Jiangsu province on Friday morning.

The Suzhou High-tech Zone Management Committee is currently submitting an application for her and has requested the city government to posthumously confer the title of "Model of Righteousness and Courage in Suzhou" upon her.

The local public security bureau and the Suzhou City Foundation for Righteousness and Courage are publicly displaying Hu's act of bravery from Thursday to Monday, receiving supervision from all sectors of society and the public.

According to the public announcement, Hu, born in July 1969, resided in Gusu district of Suzhou. Around 4 pm on Monday, she witnessed a knife attack at the Xindi Center bus stop on Tayuan Road in Suzhou High-tech Zone and immediately intervened to stop the attacker, despite being stabbed multiple times.

When faced with a serious threat to others' lives, Hu selflessly stepped forward, courageously confronting the criminal to prevent further harm, demonstrating noble qualities of bravery and justice and effectively upholding societal righteousness, the announcement said.

According to a previous police announcement, the suspect, surnamed Zhou, is a 52-year-old man who is currently unemployed and recently arrived in Suzhou from out of town. Zhou has been placed under criminal detention and his criminal actions will be dealt with severely in accordance with the law and regulations.


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