
Suzhou honors woman who sacrificed her life to protect Japanese

2024-07-02 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Hu Youping, who sacrificed her life to prevent a suspect from attacking Japanese nationals, has been awarded the title of "Model of Righteousness" in Suzhou, Jiangsu province.

Hu, aged 55, passed away on Wednesday due to severe injuries. On Tuesday morning, a memorial service was held in Suzhou High-Tech District to honor her courageous act.

People from different walks of life, including Hu's family members and friends, representatives of the local community, city and district leaders, medical rescue team representatives, Suzhou Foundation for Righteousness representatives and foreigners in Suzhou, attended the memorial service to pay tribute.

Liu Xiaotao, Party secretary of Suzhou, presented the "Model of Righteousness" certificate to one of Hu's family members, while Suzhou mayor Wu Qingwen read out the decision to bestow the award.

The city will also establish a "Youping Righteousness Fund" to promote the spirit of righteousness.

Last Monday, a knife attack at a bus stop in Suzhou High-Tech District resulted in injuries to three people — Hu and two Japanese nationals.

Over the past week, Hu's family received condolences and donations from various sectors of society, which they declined.

"We have received care and condolences from all sides and appreciate the sentiments and thank everyone. In such circumstances, we believe that anyone with justice and compassion would make the same choice," according to a notice released by Hu's family.

"After unanimous family discussions, we have decided not to accept donations and hope to not be disturbed further," the family added. "We only wish for the deceased to rest in peace and for the family to return to a peaceful life as soon as possible. If kindhearted individuals wish to donate to spread positive energy, we suggest they donate to righteous foundations in various places."

The Suzhou High-Tech District also recognized three other people who assisted in subduing the suspect, disregarding their own safety, with the title of "Righteous Person".

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