
Former residents answer flood response call

2024-07-05 09:22:42China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Heavy rains lashing southern China have triggered widespread flood control measures, with authorities crediting swift responses for minimizing casualties and damage.

Jiangxi province faces persistent downpours. In Jiangzhou, a town on a Yangtze River island in the city of Jiujiang that has a long dike system, officials issued a call on Tuesday for residents, particularly those who had moved away, to return and help with flood control efforts. The island's residents, mostly elderly people and women, number less than 10,000.

The plea resonated. Many former residents answered the call, echoing the sentiment expressed by Cai Canzhi: "Our hometown is calling; it's everyone's responsibility to protect our home!"

Wang Zifeng, the town's mayor, said, "The unity of our Jiangzhou people gives us confidence."

A similar call in 2020 saw thousands return to bolster flood defenses.

Wang Changqing, a 59-year-old villager, wasted no time in returning after seeing the message. A veteran of flood control efforts in 1998, 2016 and 2020, he was assigned to patrol duties.

"Seeing many fellow villagers return and ample supplies, I'm confident we'll overcome this," Wang told China News Service.

While the central rain belt has moved out of Jiujiang, easing immediate concerns, Jiangxi Governor Ye Jianchun urged continued vigilance. Rising water levels and potential dangers like dam seepage and landslides remain threats.

Jiujiang has endured 15 consecutive days of rain since June 18, with a fresh heavy round battering the city from Saturday to Tuesday. As of Thursday, the water level at Poyang Lake was 2.55 meters above the warning level.

Meanwhile, a flood warning system in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region prevented casualties in a recent flash flood.

On June 30, a joint effort by the regional water resources department and meteorological bureau pinpointed a high risk of floods in Rong'an county.

Swift action followed. At 4:02 am on Monday, the Guangxi flood monitoring system detected heavy rain in Si'an village, triggering an immediate pre-evacuation warning.

Local authorities responded swiftly, evacuating 37 households totaling 112 people before a flash flood struck at 6 am. While the flood damaged or destroyed 25 homes, no lives were lost thanks to the warning system.

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