
Dongting Lake water levels drop

2024-07-10 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The water level of the Dongting Lake, China's second-largest freshwater lake dropped below warning level at 6 am on Tuesday, according to media reports, citing the Hunan hydrology and water resources surveying center.

The water receding came after rescuers sealed the dike breach on Monday night after flood water from the lake inundated the Tuanzhou township in Hunan's Huarong county on Friday afternoon.

The water level is continuing to decline, the center said.

Due to the amount of historic rainfall since mid-June in Hunan, the water level of Dongting Lake, which connects major rivers of the province with the Yangtze River witnessed increasing water levels.

The first flood of the lake this year was reported on June 30.

Experts warning that people should not slacken their efforts in flood prevention and control, as dike breach often occurs when the water levels are declining.

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