
HKSAR opens National Security Exhibition Gallery

2024-08-06 16:29:20Global Times Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The National Security Exhibition Gallery in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), which is set to open on Wednesday, held an opening ceremony on Tuesday with the aim of enhancing public awareness and understanding of national security.

The gallery is the first dedicated exhibition in the HKSAR to provide comprehensive and systematic information linked to national security. It aims to enhance the public's knowledge and understanding of national security, and to further promote a sense of responsibility and a sense of mission in safeguarding national security, according to China Central Television.

Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee said during the opening ceremony that safeguarding national security is only a work in process, and there is no completion.

"In the face of the ever-changing international situation, frequent conflicts in the region, and encirclement and suppression by external forces, we must enhance our sense of worry and bottom-line thinking," Lee said, adding that safeguarding national security is the responsibility of the SAR government and the common obligation of all Chinese people, including Hong Kong residents.

The HKSAR government will fully and accurately implement the principle of One Country, Two Systems, unswervingly safeguard the interests of national sovereignty, security and development, and comprehensively enhance national security education, Lee added.

Lee previously proposed in his 2023 Policy Address the establishment of an exhibition gallery to prepare teaching materials and provide training for district-based tutors to promote national security education in the community.

Hong Kong Secretary for Security Chris Tang Ping-keung said on Tuesday that the exhibition gallery showcases the achievements of the government's related work and is expected to attract more than 100,000 visitors a year.


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