
Ultra-realistic weather forecast program amazes Chinese viewers with immersive typhoon experience

2024-09-11 09:06:43Global Times Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download
(Photo/Screenshot from Sina Weibo)

(Photo/Screenshot from Sina Weibo)

Tired of the traditional one-person weather forecast? Chinese television station has introduced an ultra-realistic approach, utilizing high-tech simulations to create an immersive scene in the studio. In a recent weather forecast video about Super Typhoon Yagi, viewers watched as the wind blew an umbrella out of the weather presenter’s hand, while a “tree” was uprooted, nearly striking her. The dramatic presentation brought the intensity of the storm to life in a way that captivated audiences.

The weather forecast video released by China Media Group Mobile was meant to remind the public of possible risks and hazards caused by Super Typhoon Yagi and to take precaution measures, however, unexpectedly “startled” the audience with its super realistic presentation.

The weather forecast began with the presenter standing in front of the camera to report the weather conditions. However, in the following moment, the weather presenter stepped toward the side where a street battered by heavy winds and rains created by the extended reality (XR) technology was showed.

XR is a collective term for multiple technologies, including augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR).

Apart from the umbrella blown away by the gust of wind and the fallen tree almost hit the weather presenter, audience followed the weather persenter’s steps to “experience” a variety of potential risks caused by the torrential rainstorms.

Using XR technology, various scenes were seamlessly shown, making the audience feel as if they are experiencing the typhoon firsthand in person.

The vivid scenes, paired with the weather presenter’s clear broadcast and explanation, help the audience better understand the potential risks that extreme weather conditions could pose to daily life.

Many netizens left their comments on the innovative presentation used for the weather forecast program, saying that they never expected a weather forecast to be so well produced since they have not been watching TV for a long time.

The China Meteorological Administration identified Super Typhoon Yagi as the strongest autumn typhoon to make landfall in the Chinese mainland since 1949. "The destruction and impact of this typhoon have been far beyond imagination and unusually catastrophic, causing significant losses to people's lives and property," Pan Shaoli, director of the Department of Emergency Management of Hainan Province, said during a press conference on Saturday evening.

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