
Project gives farmers stable water supply(2)

2024-10-21 17:56:10China Daily Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

Villagers install drip irrigation pipes in their fields. CHINA DAILY

"Villagers can participate as shareholders in the cooperative by investing a minimum share capital of 100 yuan. This provides them with a guaranteed annual return of at least 4.95 percent, regardless of the project's profitability, as assured by Dayu," she noted.

Zhang Zhijiao, the cooperative's director-general, reported that their share capital has reached 3.75 million yuan, and, to date, they have distributed over 730,000 yuan in dividends to shareholders.

Beyond assisting with water disputes, the cooperative promotes the use of integrated water and fertilizer technologies and provides agricultural materials as income-generating activities.

Zhang noted that the Bingjian area has witnessed a significant increase in land rent prices due to improved irrigation conditions. The price per hectare has risen from a previous maximum of 15,000 yuan to 45,000 yuan.

He said a growing trend of people from outside Yunnan are leasing land in the Bingjian area for agricultural planting businesses, lured by the convenience of irrigation.

The project has made farming much easier, Zhang said, adding he still runs a small farm while working with the cooperative.

"With a simple swipe of the card, I activate the irrigation system after arriving home from work and then I enjoy my supper. It frees me to attend to other things without interruption," he said.

Yang Haijiang, deputy head of Yuanmou's agriculture and rural affairs bureau, highlighted the transformative impact of the project, saying it has revolutionized the farming landscape in the Bingjian area.

Previously, restricted to cultivating grain crops like maize and harvesting only twice a year, local farmers faced limited market opportunities. The project, however, has dramatically altered this scenario, he emphasized.

With access to reliable irrigation, farmers can now diversify their crops, venturing into high-value options like tomatoes, cucumbers and grapes. This allows for an impressive four harvests annually, significantly boosting their earnings.

"Furthermore, the consistent water supply empowers farmers with the flexibility to adapt their planting choices based on market demands. This agility ensures they capitalize on the most profitable opportunities, leading to increased economic gains," he said.

A farmer receives water to irrigate his field after validating his water card. CHINA DAILY

He elaborated that a single hectare of farmland now yields 25 to 26 percent more produce than before, translating to a substantial 17-percent rise in income for the farmers.

In the midst of this agricultural revolution stands Zeng Zhe, a grape farmer from Yongzhou, Hunan province, whose journey epitomizes the project's positive impact.

Attracted by the favorable weather conditions in Yuanmou, Zeng leased almost half a hectare of land for grape planting in the Bingjian area in 2017. Thanks to the great irrigation conditions created by the project, the 31-year-old has gradually expanded his vineyard to 2 hectares, which brings his family a stable net income of 600,000 yuan annually.

"Access to piped water was pivotal in expanding my grape cultivation, boosting profits and productivity," he said.

Despite this, he also dug a borehole to get water and a small pond to store water for irrigation. But these facilities can only guarantee irrigation for about half a hectare of grapes, he said.

In the case of a heavy drought, he would hardly be able to manage to constantly pump water from the borehole, he said.

Considering the huge benefits of the project, the Yuanmou authorities, in cooperation with the Dayu company, are expanding the piped irrigation system to another 5,730 hectares of farmland, according to Yang, the agriculture and rural affairs official.

Construction on the new project is expected to be completed by the end of this year, he said.

With these irrigation facilities, he is even more hopeful for the future agricultural development of Yuanmou.

"While promoting traditional agricultural development, in the last five years we have devoted efforts to boost the agricultural breeding industry, and we're also striving to become a pioneer in the country's campaign of vitalizing the seed industry," he said.

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