
Several KFC restaurants in Tianjin investigated for food safety violations

2024-10-22 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

Multiple KFC restaurants in Tianjin have been found using genetically modified soybean oil without informing customers, Tianjin Daily reported on Tuesday.

Market regulation authorities in the city found KFC restaurants using the oil which prompted authorities to launch an investigation into the cases, the report said.

The Chinese Law of Food Safety requires clear notices to be displayed when producing and selling genetically modified food. It stipulates that authorities can confiscate genetically modified food, along with the equipment and materials for making it, in the event that manufacturers and sellers do not clearly state it.

Reporters of the newspaper were present when a recent inspection conducted by market regulation authorities at a KFC restaurant found that they had used such oil without disclosing it to their customers.

When questioned, the store employees denied it and chose not to comment, it said.

The employees told market regulation authorities that the oil was used in grilled products. The authorities have since confiscated the oil and will investigate the restaurant further.

More KFC restaurants in Tianjin were also found using such oil and failed to inform customers, which was then exposed in the recent investigations. These violations have been filed for further investigations.

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