
Building collapse tied to unsafe practices by builders

2024-12-24 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The collapse of a factory building in Anhui province in June that killed five has been traced primarily to the failure of the construction team to follow safety regulations, which created hazards on the factory's second floor.

The Anhui Emergency Management Department revealed the finding in a report released recently. It said the incident also suggested that this particular team lacked the necessary qualifications to manage the project.

The collapse has been classified as a relatively major industrial safety accident.

On June 21, around 10 am, a partial collapse occurred in the two-story steel structure of a factory under construction in the Panji district of Huainan. Five people died and seven were injured. Direct economic losses totaled nearly 4 million yuan ($550,000).

The factory was being built for a company that produced and processed lanterns.

Three individuals involved in the incident, including the construction team leader and the legal representative of the lantern-making company, were released on bail pending trial.

The report said that responsible parties will be held accountable in accordance with regulations and laws.


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