
Strong geomagnetic storm triggers spectacular auroras in northern China

2025-01-03 08:57:46Global Times Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Aurora sightings were recorded in northern China's Heilongjiang Province, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region as significant geomagnetic activity occurred on Earth from 11 am Beijing time on Wednesday until 2 am on Thursday due to Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) activity. 

During this period, a severe geomagnetic storm with a global geomagnetic index of 8 took place. According to the Science and Technology Daily on Thursday, the geomagnetic field has now gradually returned to normal, and the geomagnetic storm event has concluded.

Due to the geomagnetic storm, the electron density in the Earth's ionosphere increased significantly compared to the previous day. Positive disturbances were observed in the ionosphere over China, and ionospheric scintillation phenomena were reported in many southern regions. 

Auroral absorption was detected in the polar regions, which is expected to impact the low-frequency bands of high-frequency communication in high-latitude areas. Systems sensitive to ionospheric activity, such as drones and automated agricultural machinery, should also monitor potential subsequent effects.

Due to the geomagnetic storm, a stunning aurora display appeared in Mohe, Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. In a Village there, the auroras shimmering in shades of green, red, and purple, danced gracefully across the night sky, visible to the naked eye. The auroras in this event featured a larger proportion of green light bands and lasted for an extended period, the Science and Technology Daily reported.

Additionally, numerous auroral sightings were also recorded in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and other regions, said the Science and Technology Daily.

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