
Chinese authorities congratulate athletes on Olympic achievements

2024-08-12 08:30:08Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China's central authorities sent a congratulatory message to the country's Olympic delegation on Sunday for their accomplishments and sportsmanship at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

"You have won glory for our country and people, and we extend warm congratulations and heartfelt compliments to you," read a message jointly sent by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council, China's cabinet.

China finished second in the overall medal table at Paris 2024, with 40 gold, 27 silver and 24 bronze medals, marking the country's best performance at an overseas Olympic Games.

"You have vigorously promoted the Chinese sports spirit and the Olympic spirit, striving to win medals not only for your athletic performance but also for your moral integrity, sportsmanship, and clean competition," read the message.

"You have actively practiced the Olympic motto of 'Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together,' engaging in fair competition and friendly exchanges with athletes from around the world. In doing so, you have enhanced your skills, deepened friendship, and demonstrated China's strength, spirit, and image to the world, spreading the voice and values of China.

"Your outstanding achievements and performances have further ignited the patriotism of Chinese people both at home and abroad, uplifted the national spirit, and united the people towards progress," added the message.

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council called on athletes to stay focused on the goal of building China into a strong sports nation, continually strive to reach new heights in competitive sports and contribute to the realization of China's modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


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