
More tourism products and better services for upcoming holidays

2023-09-22 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

More tourism products will be developed and tourist services will be upgraded to satisfy the public's need for diverse and quality travel experiences, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism shared during its press conference on Friday. 

The goal is to help create a smooth travel consumption environment for the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day holiday.

According to the ministry, a total of 149 rural travel routes highlighting creative fairs, harvest celebrations and art exhibitions will be launched, enabling tourists to better appreciate what the villages have to offer.

Moreover, an autumn leaf-themed route along the Great Wall, 12 routes featuring outdoors sports, and ten self-drive routes across rich cultural and tourism resources, as well as 20 routes integrating intangible cultural heritages will meet the public.

Bookings, reception and safety work at major scenic spots across the country, as well as transportation, have been improved to deal with the surge in the holiday tourism.

The domestic tourism market has shown a surprisingly good performance in the summer.

The domestic destinations received nearly 1.84 billion visits from June to August, generating 1.21 trillion yuan ($167 billion) in revenue, the ministry said. 


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