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China's Jilin to build world-class ice and snow tourism resort

2022-01-24 15:06:41Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China's Jilin Province has built 54 ski resorts and 279 snow tracks with a maximum daily capacity of about 100,000 visitors, said local authorities on Monday.

The data was released during the ongoing fifth session of the 13th Jilin Provincial People's Congress.

Located at 41 to 43 degrees north latitude, the northeastern province is endowed with excellent natural conditions for developing the ice and snow industry.

In the golden latitude zone of ice and snow, there exist the world's three largest powder snow bases: the Alps, Rocky Mountains and Jilin's Changbai Mountains.

Currently, Changbai Mountains is building itself into a globally influential tourism destination and expanding ice and snow tourism options.

Aside from skiing, local hot springs, gorgeous scenery of rimes and its unique folk customs have also drawn lots of tourists to the province in the winter months.

In October 2021, Jilin unveiled a blueprint, striving to make itself into a world-class skiing hub as winter sports are gaining steam due to the upcoming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

By 2025, the value of Jilin's ice and snow industry is expected to exceed 250 billion yuan (about 39.4 billion U.S. dollars) with a total number of 100 ski fields, according to the plan.


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