
Man hopes to develop Lu-lin martial arts

2022-03-28 ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- A Lu-lin martial arts class by Li Yangran, the sixth generation successor of the discipline, opened to children Saturday.

Lu-lin martial arts originated from Qingcheng City, southwest China's Sichuan Province about 130 years ago. It enjoys a great reputation in the local martial arts sector.

The movements are both coherent and concise, aimed at the most vital parts of an opponent.

Li started practicing martial arts at the age of 10 and Lu-lin martial after three years.

He has visited various places to demonstrate and teach Lu-lin martial arts. He even performed for Cherie Blair, wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.Li said that he will focus more on the inheritance and development of traditional martial arts in future.

The discipline was listed as an intangible cultural heritage of Sichuan Province in 2009.


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